Scoliosis, Yoga Therapy, and the Art of Letting Go

Scoliosis, Yoga Therapy, and the Art of Letting Go


Aged 16, Rachel Krentzman was diagnosed with scoliosis. At 32 she suffered a herniated disk and was told she would have to modify her activities for the rest of her life – instead, Rachel is now a walking testimonial for how yoga can be used therapeutically to heal your back pain.

An easy and straightforward read, this manual contains step by step illustrated instruction for you to address the physical and emotional factors of your scoliosis. The exercises are easy to follow and perform, and no technical knowledge or prior experience of yoga is required. Foundational anatomy is carefully explained so that you can understand your body and your scoliosis before applying the exercises. Exemplary case studies will help you on the path to alleviating your back pain without surgery.

13 reviews for Scoliosis, Yoga Therapy, and the Art of Letting Go

  1. Sarah Cummins

    Simple and effective
    Simple and effective explanations for movements and poses to utilize with yourself or clients who have scoliosis. The images are very helpful!

  2. An Extensive Reader

    The expert author has scoliosis and writes with empathy and authority
    I have a milder scoliosis, as do a number of my sibs, my daughter, and my mom. This book describes scoliosis and offers exercises to assist in decreasing the effect of the curve or curves. This book is great for parents and teens who are newly diagnosed. Most teens hate having scoliosis and are very demoralized. This book offers yoga poses as ways to diminish or stop the advancement of the spinal change. By being aware of the changes in the spine and what to do, the afflicted and their family have a tool to use to actively participate in the treatment. I wish this tool was available long ago when I was a teen and when my daughter was.

  3. Joni Pfeifer

    A Lifesaver!
    I believe this book is saving my life! I am 64 yrs old and was recently diagnosed with degenerative scoliosis. I looked at several yoga books before settling on this one. It is short, easy to understand, well researched, and doable! I have been following this program for about a month now, and already notice a difference in my pain level. Thank you for writing this book!!!!!

  4. happy camper

    I just received this book and I am already on chapter 3 it is very easy to read and the illustrations are simple and to the point. I have a severe scoliosis and am in my 60’s and i find this book to give you a treatment protocol in order to help yourself to slow the progression instead of doing what was recommended to wait and see or just watch it. To this day the doctors do not give you a exercise program that is targeted to your curve that will slow your progression or any recommendation on any books that would be beneficial to you. I find this book to give you hope and is well written so far what i have read. Once I complete the book I will give an update for final my thoughts.

  5. Pamela

    Great! Great book
    Great! Great book.. great detailed information. This will be very useful in my home yoga practice to help strengthen my back as well as doing the correct poses for the type of Scoliosis I have. Thank you!

  6. Bunny

    The author is very thorough
    I learned so much about the mechanics of the body and scoliosis. Very well written thoughtful in her explanations. Very helpful!

  7. Indy

    I found the book very difficult to understand at times …
    I found the book very difficult to understand at times. I was a dance major in college, so I am not unfamiliar with the structure of the body. Personally, the diagrams didn’t clearly depict exactly where the curve started. A curve that appeared to initially be headed to the left was in fact labeled a “right lumbar curve” – because it eventually curved back to the right? Very confusing…There has to be a simpler way to explain this rather complex issue.

  8. Amazon Customer

    Five Stars
    excellent descriptions on how to find the pose

  9. Charlie Wyse

    I am a 73 year old who was diagnosed with scoliosis only a year ago, although it had been coming on for about 5 years before that. My first PT used the Schroth method of rehab, but it was of limited focus and treated the process as a battle. This author’s attitude of letting go and working with the body is giving much better results.

  10. Vivek Joshi

    Excellent Work on treatment of Scoliosis with Yoga.

  11. Sarah

    I am a British Wheel Yoga teacher, just starting out having qualified recently. Rachel’s book is clear, informative and well written.I have students with scoliosis and this book helps me to understand the anatomy and something of the psychology of living with scoliosis. Pain and tension both muscular and psychological can be a big part of the condition. With understanding and careful, appropriate practice both these can be addressed with yoga.The illustrations back up the easy to follow instructions for posture practice. Rachel encourages breathing and meditation also. In this way the yoga practice is holistic and addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of scoliosis.I recommend this book and am finding it easy to read and a great addition to my yoga library. Thank you, Rachel.

  12. Ispas, Christine

    In Ermangelung eines solchen Buches auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt habe ich zu diesem englischsprachigen Buch gegriffen und wurde dabei nicht enttäuscht.Die Autorin ist Physiotherapeutin und Yogatherapeutin, was man dem Buch anmerkt.Mit vielen Hilfsmitteln (die man als Yogalehrer nur teilweise zur Verfügung hat), aber auch große Teile ohne jegliche Hilfsmittel wird aufgezeigt, welche Yogahaltungen für Menschen mit Skoliose hilfreich, welche abgewandelt und welche nur auf einer Seite praktiziert werden dürfen.Für Yogalehrer oder versierte Yogaübende sehr zu empfehlen!

  13. David

    C’est clair, bien expliqué avec un format pratique et peu cher.Je me mets à la recherche d’autres ouvrages de l’auteur.

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