From the brand
Strength, Flexibility Mobility
Starktape resistance band is one of the foundation tools of athletic training, sports medicine recovery, and the physical therapy world
We are the trusted partner for sports performance, recovery, and physical therapy.
Starktape’s line of resistance band products is specially designed for physical therapy, and individual training, as well as for your Stretching, Rehabilitation, Bodybuilding,
Muscle toning, strength, flexibility improvement, and physical therapy are just a few benefits of the perfect training.
Physical Therapy Bands
Resistance bands
Latex Resistance Bands
Kinesiology tape for Athletes
Professional Kinesiology Tape
Athletic tape and bandages
Stretch bands
Non allergenic, non-latex resistance bands. Robust, resilient and durable, with excellent elasticity, the Starktape elastic workout band will ensure the best exercise for your legs, butt, upper and lower body. Muscle toning, strength, flexibility improvement and physical therapy are just a few benefits of the perfect training.
Super lightweight, portable carrying pounch: you can perform your legs, butt, core, or whole body workout in the comfort of your own home, at the gym, yoga, pilates studio, outdoor on the beach, or on the go. The light weight exercize bands are an easy and comfortable workout tool, proving to be the perfect choice for individual training, as well as for your Stretching, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation, Bodybuilding, Wrestling, Losing Weight.
5.3 ft long by 6 inches wide. Suitable for every fitness level, men & women, from beginner to advanced: Your exercise bands set comes in five different resistance levels: Yellow – x-light 5lbs, Red – light 10lbs, Green – medium 15lbs, Blue – heavy 20 lbs, Gray – x-heavy up to 30lbs. You can easily tailor your training depending on your strength, ability, and comfort. It’s a perfect alternative to your Strength heavyweights training and dumbells.
Easy to use, fun for the entire family, from children to seniors. Whether you are a mom, a dad or a grandma, these fitness bands are right for you. People Love doing fun home exercises with the bands, they are a MUST item for staying in good health. Research has proven that resistance band provides as much benefit in fitness health and strength gains as weights training equipment. Just give it a try and see how would you feel after using the Starktape resistance loop bands.
We like You! Is it too soon to say that? We care so much about your happiness that we hired a bunch of the best, nicest, most awesome human beings we could find to help with anything you need. We call them the Starktape Customer Happiness Team, and they’re your go-to when you need an information, a recommendation, a refund, or just a reason to smile. Seriously, reach out. Even just to say hi. Add to cart now and join thousand satisfied customers!
Good quality bands
Good quality bands. I like the convenience of having one packet with all the bands that I used in my physical therapy sessions after rotator cuff surgery. It allows me to continue my workouts at home.
T girl –
I have neck problems and these bands are providing me a great workout. I can work out with any level of resistance that I can tolerate for that day and when feeling great I am able to have a very strenuous workout. Bands are the way to go
malphig –
The lower-strength ones can break
Good overall. They look good, and they do not have the toxic-like plastic smell that many of the other have. The red one did not last long howerver; in snapped in half shortly after I started using it.
Puffy503 –
Great product
Just as described. Fast shipper.
Ryan Marsells –
I love these things
Amazon Customer –
Physical therapist recommended
My physical therapist recommended these bands to regain muscle strength and joint flexibility. If you use these bands daily, your muscle strength does improve.
Ladygray4 –
Not quite as stretchy
I couldn’t find a Theraband set reasonably priced, so I bought these. I didn’t realize that they were non-latex when I purchased them. They’re not quite as stretchy as the Theraband ones, but they work “ok” for my purposes.
misschris –
Resistance is Futile!
These resistance bands were a great addition to a simple way to gain strength and maintain flexibility. No lifting weights so there was no risk of join injury from weight. Small enough to take anywhere or on vacation and maintain that physical therapy or resistance training workout!
Sylvia Heinrich –
Die Bänder sind zwar etwas kürzer als erwartet, aber erfüllen ihren Zweck.
Luca Pasquini –
Allenarsi da casa, soprattutto in questo periodo, è un’attività fondamentale per mantenersi attivi.COME FACCIO AD ALLENARMI A CASA SE USO I PESI?Il problema grosso è che, non volendo allenarsi a corpo libero, procurarsi dei manubri costa caro. Per un set economico (parlo di quelli coi manubri componibili che si possono avvitare tra loro per fare un bilancere) da 30 kg è facile spendere dagli 80/100 ⬠in su, senza contare che i manubri sono pesanti e occupano molto spazio se si vogliono riporre in maniera pratica per usarli frequentemente. Una soluzione? Se non siete dei culturisti estremi sicuramente le bande elastiche sono un’ottima soluzione.COSA POSSO FARE CON GLI ELASTICI?Sarete in grado di simulare una moltitudine di esercizi che normalmente fareste con gli attrezzi: dai manubri (bicipiti, tricipiti, spalle) alla peck deck, dai cavi alti ai cavi bassi, dalla pulley alla abductor. Una parte di questi esercizi non sarà possibile eseguirli simultaneamente con entrambe le braccia o le gambe, ma basterà alternarle per ovviare al problema. Nel foglietto illustrativo (molto scarso), ci sono un po’ di immagini molto utili a cui ispirarsi per fare gli esercizi.A CHE PESI EQUIVALGONO QUESTI ELASTICI?Gli elastici sono in tutto 5, con gradazioni di resistenza differenti. Nel foglietto illustrativo c’è anche un riferimento indicativo del peso che lascia il tempo che trova.Traducendo dal peso in libbre riportato, in teoria è possibile ottenere un peso che va dai 2 ai 13 kg. Personalmente penso che la miglior soluzione sia affidarsi alla propria percezione: se si fa “fatica” a fare l’esercizio e non fanno male articolazioni e tendini, ma solo i muscoli, si sta lavorando bene.CONCLUSIONI:Devo ammettere che ero inizialmente scettico sulla possibilità di sostituire una palestra ma, convinto da persone che li usano abitualmente come riscaldamento o come vero e proprio allenamento, devo ammettere che sono degli strumenti molto interessanti. Intendiamoci, non sono ovviamente un sostituto completo di una palestra, ma per allenamenti non intensivi sono ottimi, anche 3/4 volte a settimana.Gli elastici sono abbastanza resistenti e sembrano durare. Consigliati!!
Emily –
Et c’est bien normal puisque chaque bande mesure 15 cm de large (en dehors de la bande jaune qui fait 10 cm de large). On peut caler la plante des pieds pour un bon maintien, elles sont donc bien plus pratiques que les bandes élastiques de faible largeur plus épaisses. De ce point de vue, ces bandes-ci sont extrêmement fines (il est d’ailleurs conseillé sur la notice de vérifier leur intégrité avant toute utilisation. Comme leur texture est assez collante, elles tiennent bien en main. Par contre, attention à bien les replier (ou même à les rouler) avant de les ranger, car elles se chiffonnent très facilement. Un petit sac est là pour les préserver davantage. La notice présente quelques dessins pour faire des exercices. Ces croquis sont élémentaires, mais assez peu compréhensibles lorsqu’ils sont montrés de profil.Dans l’ensemble, une acquisition très satisfaisante puisque l’on peut utiliser ces bandes de toute sorte de façon pour travailler l’ensemble du corps, s’échauffer et se muscler.
Cay Oncena –
Estas bandas elásticas vienen dentro de una bolsa de transporte de nylon, envueltas individualmente en bolsitas de celofán y cada una de ellas tiene un folleto en el que se indica los niveles de resistencia disponibles y se muestran una serie de ejercicios para que podamos empezar en cuanto las desenvolvemos.Son cinco bandas de 150 cm de longitud x 15 cm de ancho y con distinto grosor y color según la resistencia que ofrecen. Tenemos 5 niveles de resistencia distintos (que corresponden a otros tantos grosores diferentes):* Amarilla, extra ligera, de 0,2 cm de grosor y resistencia entre 5 y 10 libras (2.25 a 4.5 kg)* Roja, ligera, de 0,25 mm de grosor y resistencia entre 10 y 15 libras (4.5 a 6.8 kg)* Verde, media, de 0.3 mm de grosor y resistencia entre 15 y 20 libras (6,8 a 9 kg)* Azul, âheavyâ (fuerte), de 0,4 mm de grosor y resistencia entre 20 y 25 libras (9 a 11,3 kg)* Gris, âx-heavyâ (extra fuerte) de 4,5 mm de grosor y resistencia entre 25 y 30 libras (11,3 a 13,6 kg)No contienen látex pero tampoco se especifica el material de que están hechas. Por el tacto parecen de silicona.Una cosa que me gusta es que el tacto es rugoso por lo que no resbalan ni cuando las agarras ni cuando haces ejercicios de piernas con los pies descalzos. Eso me permite hacer los ejercicios con comodidad.La ventaja de tener cinco bandas es que puedes ir aumentando la resistencia a medida que vas adquiriendo más fuerza y flexibilidad, desde un nivel básico (con la banda amarilla) hasta un nivel avanzado (con la banda extra fuerte).También puedes escoger la banda que mejor te va a cada ejercicio. Yo para los ejercicios de brazos uso bandas más ligeras y para los de piernas, bandas más fuertes.Cualquier persona puede utilizarlas aunque lo recomendable es consultar a un monitor del gimnasio antes de empezar a ejercitarnos por nuestra cuenta ya que si no vamos con cuidado podemos lesionarnos.A mà me van bien como complemento a las clases dirigidas y las uso para fortalecer la musculatura de brazos, piernas, abdominales y dorsales (los abdominales y los dorsales hay que tenerlos contraÃdos para realizar los ejercicios de brazos y piernas). También me van bien para realizar algunos ejercicios de estiramiento para mejorar la movilidad y para entrenar la resistencia.Son una buena ayuda para hacer ejercicio fÃsico en casa. Y tienen la gran ventaja de que, una vez plegadas, ocupan poco espacio, es fácil encontrar un lugar donde guardarlas y si vamos de viaje, las podemos llevar a cualquier parte.Son resistentes, se ven de buena calidad y la impresión que me dan es que no tengo que preocuparme de posibles roturas.Yo las uso principalmente en casa, pero me las he llevado alguna vez a la playa para hacer los ejercicios allÃ. Y si te vas de vacaciones, ocupan poco espacio y es casi como llevarse un mini gimnasio portátil.A TENER EN CUENTAAunque llevan una hoja de ejercicios, además de o en vez de consultar con un monitor, siempre podemos buscar tutoriales en Internet. En todo caso debemos ir con cuidado y hacer los ejercicios correctamente para evitar lesiones (empezando por unos ejercicios de calentamiento antes de usar las bandas).
Vivian Rickey –
Excellent for exercise programs