FEYRUS Acupressure Mat Massage Relieve Stress Back Body Pain Spike Cushion Yoga Acupuncture Mat (Color : L Green with Bag)

FEYRUS Acupressure Mat Massage Relieve Stress Back Body Pain Spike Cushion Yoga Acupuncture Mat (Color : L Green with Bag)


Acupressure Mat Massage Relieve Stress Back Body Pain Spike Cushion yoga Acupuncture mat
Mat size:67*42*2cm
Pillow size:37*15*10cm
.ABS buckle:
Mat with 230pcs 27 needle buckle
Pillow with 66pcs 27 needle buckle
Color:black,green,blue,dark green,purple
.Instructions :
What is Acupressure Mat ?This consist a thin mat covered with ABS plastic spikes. It is inspired by ancient Indian healing tradition that is believed
to have beenaround for thousands of years.
The thousands of spikes that have been strategically placed on the mat and pillow are harmless to the skin and will
provide your bodywith healing benefits.How does it work?Acupressure mat is a perfect assistant for self-treatment. It works in a similar way as acupuncture by having your body release endorphins,
which have the ability to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being. Many people have different reactions to this, which may include: happiness,
clearer mind, more energy, and relaxation. If regularly used for a long enough period of time the acupressure set may: -Increase energy level-Improve
blood circulation-Decrease stress-Relieve neck and back pain-Reduce blood pressure-Alleviate headaches-Improve sleep .How to use?Place the mat on the ground with spikes pointing up. Lie on the mat . The mat will allow you to target curved areas, such as neck, lumbar,
and even feet. It is preferred to do it daily for 10 to 30 minutes at a time or as long as desired. For beginners it might be better to start for
shorter period of time and/or wear a shirt or place a thin cloth between the spikes and your skin.


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